[Amps] WinLink
William O'Hara
who_icrr at adelphia.net
Sun Mar 6 19:58:35 EST 2005
You are in correct. All incorporations
that are organized and request IRS to grant
status under 501(c) are not for profit.
It has to be a 501(c)3 to receive the "full"
deduction. Other entities do not have the
same rules.
They also have different rules about business
You can not compare one 990 to the 990
of another entity as many different things can
be going on.
A ham club is probably more apt to register
under 501(c)7.
I prefer historical societies that publish
in depth magazines and maintain historical
archives and musuems to have a 501(c)3.
I do not think that a social club such as a ham
organization should go for a 501(c)3, but it is
only my humble opinion.
----- Original Message -----
From: "k7fm" <k7fm at teleport.com>
To: <craxd1 at ezwv.com>; <amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Sunday, March 06, 2005 7:44 PM
Subject: Re: [Amps] WinLink
> "I'm not 100% sure but I thought that federal law says that any non-profit
> organization must show it's financials when asked."
> There is a difference between a non-profit organization and a 501(c) 3
> organization. All 501(c) 3 organizations are non-profit, but not the
> way around. Donations made to a 501(c) organization are deductible by the
> donors. There are different rules regarding disclosure for a 501(c)
> organization.
> Some organizations are non profit, but they pay large salaries to senior
> employees. On the other side, a number of corporations are organized for
> profit but do not rise to the occasion.
> This is off topic, but just answers a few statements out there. I guess it
> could be relevant if you are thinking of setting up a non-profit radio
> and donate you hi value amp to it.
> Colin K7FM
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