[Amps] SELL: Fully Wired 10-80m Tank Circuit Assembly

w2cqm@juno.com w2cqm at juno.com
Wed Mar 9 10:10:49 EST 2005

Offering a completely intact, factory wired,  ready to drop in, legal
limit 10-80m silver plated tank circuit assembly removed from a Yaesu
FL2000B Amplifier.
High quality porcelain components include the plate and antenna tune air
variable capacitors, porcelain bandswitch w/porcelain shaft insulator,
500pFd blocking capacitor,100pFd padder
capacitor, porcelain HV tuned plate choke** and two (2) complete
parasitic choke assemblies. Package will handle ( legal limit+) a pair of
813's or
572B's, or a 3-500. Complete with all mounting hardware. Ready to drop
in with three front panel holes for  shaft mounting.  $95+ shipping Ron

**The 20m plate choke coil was rewound.  


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