[Amps] TL-922 relay problems

Vic Rosenthal vic at rakefet.com
Wed Mar 9 12:37:33 EST 2005

Paul B. Peters, VE7AVV wrote:

> My TL-922 has most of the mods suggested by Rich, AG6K -- but one item that
> has not been done is the vacuum relay QSK.
> I tell you this by way of introduction to the symptoms I have noticed in the
> last few days. The amp operates perfectly with one minor exception.
> Regardless of whether I'm operating with the foot switch or VOX, the amp
> seems to hang for a second when I unkey or stop talking. By hang I mean, the
> amp is definitely not transmitting, but I don't have complete audio back in
> the headset -- the audio sounds a bit ragged for a second or two and then
> all is fine once again. Could this be an early indicator of a failing TX
> relay? 

Yes.  I've had this happen with Jennings RJ1A relays after some use.  I've had 
better luck with Kilovac HC1's. Just anecdotal evidence, not proof.  Replace the 
relay and it should clear up.

Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA

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