[Amps] Henry 2K Classic X

R.Measures r at somis.org
Fri Mar 18 09:12:47 EST 2005

On Mar 17, 2005, at 12:47 PM, Vic Rosenthal wrote:

> R. Measures wrote:
>> At the voltage normally present - c. 6kV-pk - corona seems unlikely.
> Absolutely not!

I have a high-pot tester and here at 120m above sea level I do not see 
corona at 6kV.

> The initiation voltage for a corona discharge depends on the charge 
> density.  In other words, the sharper the point,

Somewhat, but this amplifier does not have sharp points.

> the lower the voltage needed to start the corona.  I know that 
> switchgear for power systems operating as low as 2-4 KV is designed to 
> avoid sharp points for this reason.
> Once the corona starts, the ionized air in the vicinity reduces the 
> breakdown voltage necessary to start an actual arc.  This explains how 
> you can have arcs over what appear to be large air gaps in things like 
> bandswitches.

Bandswitches with needle points should be avoided.
> -- 
> 73,
> Vic, K2VCO
> Fresno CA
> http://www.qsl.net/k2vco

Richard L. Measures, AG6K, 805.386.3734.  www.somis.org

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