[Amps] 4cx1000a for ssb

R.Measures r at somis.org
Sat Mar 19 06:38:31 EST 2005

On Mar 18, 2005, at 6:40 PM, VK3HE Craig wrote:

> If you concerned about IMD use the  4cx1500B. At low screen potentials 
> it
> has a good figure of -43 db below one of 2 tones. Nothing would 
> prevent you
> using the full screen potential with output power and IMD figures being
> similar to the  4cx1000A. The radios IMD will always be greater than 
> the
> tubes IMD, unless you using something like  the FT1K5 in classA. These 
> days
> ALC design faults are more responsible for bad IMD than the  below 
> average
> IMD numbers of the radio.

Amen, Craig -- ALC design faults can be countered by using the lowest 
level of ALC that is detectable.  This, however, is considered an 
anathema on the 11m band.  In actual practice, using a  typical 
post-xcvr amplifier, running less ALC produces more PEP to the antenna 
than is the case with running maximum ALC.
> Craig
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Richard L. Measures, AG6K, 805.386.3734.  www.somis.org

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