[Amps] Bird Element Calibration?

Steve Thompson g8gsq at ic24.net
Mon Mar 21 04:55:28 EST 2005

On Monday 21 March 2005 00:51, David Kirkby wrote:

> I suspect Bird use Calorimeters for internal use, but would not use them
> to calibrate each and every element they sell, as the method is too time
> consuming.
No, at best they will have a half decent power meter from HP or Boonton or 
somesuch, which will get sent to a cal lab now and again, to be compared 
against a meter that's been compared against a meter that's been compared 
against a meter (and so on) until you bump into a meter that's been checked 
against something at a National Standards lab. Now apply the same to the 
attenuator that's in front of the power meter.....

On the other hand, they might have their own set of 'reference' 43s which the 
techs all trust to be right.


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