[Amps] Measuring RF Power

Dennis12Amplify@aol.com Dennis12Amplify at aol.com
Sat Mar 26 13:51:56 EST 2005

In a message dated 3/26/05 10:13:22 AM Central Standard Time,  g8gsq at ic24.net 

Vrms is  the (square)Root of the Mean of the Squares (of the Voltage
samples). When  you work out Vrms^2 in order to work out the power, you are
squaring the  squareroot, so the r in rms disappears and you are left with
the Mean of  the Squares (of the Voltage samples) --- (V^2)mean or
(V^2)average, if you  prefer. (V^2)average/R = Paverage.


 This is an explanation that makes sense and one that I can  understand.
Dennis O.

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