[Amps] MLA-2500B Question

Roger D Johnson n1rj at adelphia.net
Tue Mar 29 14:22:04 EST 2005

Tomm Aldridge wrote:
> This is an interesting thread to me not because of the AL-811 vs 
> MLA-2500 but because I am designing and building an amp.  If I 
> understand this correctly, using a TS570 transceiver to drive my amp 
> implies I really don't need a tuned input circuit as I can just use the 
> built-in tuner of my rig to achieve a good enough match to the input of 
> the tubes.  That saves me money and complexity.
> However, some on this list advise that the proximity of the output C of 
> the tuned input to the cathode of the PA is very important for its 
> "flywheel" or energy storage effect during the wide swings in impedance 
> during a cycle of operation.
> My question is, which strategy should one employ and what are teh pros 
> and cons?  Assuming, of course, a built in AT such as in the TS570.
> Regards,
> Tomm

There is a problem with using a built-in tuner with a grounded grid
amplifier. In a GG amp, the input and output are effectively in series.
The input impedance varies with both the amp tuning and the drive power.
This constantly changing impedance during tune up can drive a built-in
tuner crazy as it tries to match a constantly changing impedance. Often,
it will go through a couple of cycles and time out.

73, Roger

Remember the USS Liberty (AGTR-5)

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