[Amps] eBay

John D'Ausilio jdausilio at gmail.com
Wed May 4 07:54:09 EDT 2005

The seller dosn't know the amount of a proxy bid, only the actual
current bid. It is a bit weird the way that bidding went, but I think
it's coincidence ..

de John/W1RT

On 5/4/05, Will Matney <craxd1 at ezwv.com> wrote:
> This is way off topic but I need a quick answer on something. Does the seller have access to the amount one has bid? Something was fishy on a book I bought like the one who bid against me twice stopped both times right under my maximum bid. He ran the bids up 11 times stopping just under twice. I'm wondering if it was a schill who knew the amount I bid?
> http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=378&item=4546163575&rd=1
> Best,
> Will
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