[Amps] E-Bay Education
Harold B. Mandel
ka1xo at juno.com
Wed May 4 15:12:50 EDT 2005
There's a ton of stuff around the house and sheds that's
not doing me any good, so I figured an E-Bay store
with a low-pressure environment where Best Offers are
invited, and the cost is low, and it gives people time to
decide if they really want something.
One of my correspondents advised me to move some
items over into the Auction department to get better
exposure. So I started with an old 1956 Chevy and
an Alber Cellcorder/Digital Hydrometer set.
Three days into the auction E-Bay e-mails me
to tell me to lower the reserve price on the Chevy.
The only "button" that works is the one that put the
reserve price one dollar over the last bid. Bidding
promptly stops as all interested parties now think the
car is junk, and there's no one at E-Bay to answer
questions and there's no way to reverse my errant
decision, based on a profound ignorance of E-Bay.
I've been buying and selling amateur radio stuff in
hamfests, etc., for over forty years. If someone's
unhappy, there's no problem: My callsign can look me
up and a refund's a stamp away.
I'm just so fed up with scams and spams. For the most part
I don't think most hams are out for unsavory gains, but I did get
one suspicious inquiry asking me to accept a money order
from overseas with a shipping company picking the stuff
up at my door, etc. It sounded like the scam recently
discussed herein.
Sorry to tie up the bandwidth. In closing, I checked off
selling to everywhere in the world. We're all on the same
planet, yes (Except for Tuesdays, which is double-medication
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