[Amps] prices of equip

Harry hgk at centurytel.net
Wed May 4 17:22:03 EDT 2005

Look all the way at the bottom
Retracted: US $10,156.00

Explanation: Entered wrong amount

Bid: Mar-29-05 10:03:30 PST

Retracted: Mar-29-05 10:04:45 PST
This is the important part
He bid at 10:03:30
retracted at 10:04:45
His final bid was at 10:05:02

The second bidder bid it up to $525.07 at 12:00:03

So he did in deed have to pay $535.07

Bill Fuqua wrote:

> Look at bottom of bid record. High bid was retracted. It will go for $80.01
> At 08:17 AM 5/4/2005 -0600, John T. M. Lyles wrote:
>>Last week on EPAY, someone bid up an old Heathkit VF1 VFO, worth
>>hardly $50 these days. I pity the fool who got it, although maybe he
>>really wanted it badly. For $535?????
>>item 5763190509
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