[Amps] Orientation

Steve Thompson g8gsq at ic24.net
Sat May 7 03:09:58 EDT 2005

Paul Higginson wrote:
> In message <009101c55277$33ad2be0$0301a8c0 at home>, Steve Thompson
> <g8gsq at ic24.net> writes
>>> I've heard from some sources that the structure of the tube can
>>> change internally as it gets warm / hot and that changes to the
>>> tuning is minimised by vertical mounting.
>> Can't see the orientation affecting it myself.
>> GS35 pics:
> That's interesting to see.
> I've never cut up a GS23 as "at the moment" I haven't got a duff one..
> But I'm led to believe that the GS23 tetrode is a central cathode
> surrounded by grids / anode. From the description it's a coaxial
> structure.
Coaxial could be different - on the other hand, I can't imagine the internal
construction being flimsy, in which case it's the thermal effects rather
than gravity that are likely to be significant.

You could try to find someone with a working amp and ask them to try it
upright and on its side.


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