[Amps] Type 813 BP Pentode

Harold B. Mandel ka1xo at juno.com
Sun May 8 08:49:25 EDT 2005


Someone asked me to put together a quote for building them
a four tube type 813 amplifier, and I wonder if any of you
could direct me to a source of practical schematics so I
don't reinvent the wheel, please?

The 813 was real hot just before the second World War,
but its poor VHF performance led to its unpopularity.

I have a source of tubes, sockets and spares, but I'd rather
try a parallel configuration, but who knows?

Thanks for your reply. Oh, by the way,
"101 Easy Ham Radio Projects" has one copy
left, stained, for $55.00 plus shipping. (I dunno).

Hal Mandel

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