[Amps] [BULK] - Millen High Voltage Connectors

Carcia, Francis A HS francis.carcia at hs.utc.com
Mon May 16 12:13:33 EDT 2005

I've seen the same trick using pl259 connectors with RG8 cable with the
center conductor and dielectric going through both pl259 and so239.

-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Katz [mailto:stevek at jmr.com]
Sent: Monday, May 16, 2005 12:03 PM
To: 'aborg'; Amps Amps
Subject: Re: [Amps] [BULK] - Millen High Voltage Connectors

The only ones I have are single-conductor unshielded.  You use HV wire,
strip the insulation off for 1/2" or so, push it through the center pin,
pull the end of the wire so the insulation goes inside the connector as far
as it can go, and solder the conductor to the pin.  Clip off any excess,
file it smooth to avoid any sharp points, and use it.  The female connector
has a conventional solder lug.


-----Original Message-----
From: aborg [mailto:a_borg at yahoo.com]
Sent: Monday, May 16, 2005 8:56 AM
To: Amps Amps
Subject: [BULK] - [Amps] Millen High Voltage Connectors

Hello Amper's,

   What is the proper way to connect and wire the
millen red high voltage connectors?  I can't find any
info on the  proper use of these connectors.

a_borg at yahoo.com

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