[Amps] FW: pi to pi-L o/p matching question

jeff millar wa1hco at adelphia.net
Sun May 22 12:54:14 EDT 2005

Interesting discussion (and I like the calculator, too). But, a 
question, where do you get the information about the plate load 
constant?...any way to derive it from the published information about 
the tubes?

jeff, wa1hco

Larry Carman wrote:

>   Thanks for the suggestion. I'll work on adding a drop down box to select
>the tube family. For the short haul I'll just increase the AB2 to 1.65.
>Not sure where I might get the tube family info, so if anyone can
>help I'd greatly appreciate it.
>Larry N5BIP
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Tony King - W4ZT [mailto:amps at w4zt.com]
>Sent: Saturday, May 21, 2005 11:11 PM
>To: Larry Carman
>Cc: amps at contesting.com
>Subject: Re: [Amps] FW: pi to pi-L o/p matching question
>Your Plate Load calculator for an AB2 amp seems to be using a constant
>of about 1.55 which might be a bit on the low side.  The 8877 might be
>close at 1.6 but a number of other tubes would be closer to 1.8 to 2. I
>wondered what you used to determine the constant?  If there was another
>input field to select a tube "family" to set the constant it might be
>Good job!
>73, Tony W4ZT

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