[Amps] Meaning of "conduction cooled"

Steve Thompson g8gsq at ic24.net
Thu Nov 3 12:12:05 EST 2005

Vic K2VCO wrote:
> Floyd Sense wrote:
>>Most amps today use convection cooling.  To me, radiation cooling would 
>>imply no airflow used and that isn't seen very often.
> I would say that external anode tubes like the 3Cx800, etc. are 
> convection (or more precisely, forced-air) cooled, 
But doesn't convection (and forced air) start with conduction between 
the hot surface and the air - so they're all conduction cooled?

I'd say a 'conduction cooled' tube displaces the heat through a solid 
link to a cooled surface rather than conducting it directly into the 
cooling air (or fluid) close to source.


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