[Amps] Glitch Resistor FS

Phil Clements philc at texascellnet.com
Sat Nov 5 15:17:29 EST 2005

> Subject: [Amps] Glitch Resistor FS
> Gents:
> I have a large Carborundum Co. Globar 43 ohm resistor, type 830 AS 005,
> that is most suitable for a high-end HVPS glitch application.  It is
> unused, and measures 1" X10" with 60A fuse clip type metal mounting
> terminals that have corona rings.
> The price is $25.00 plus shipping from ZIP 92835.
> If interest, kindly reply off list.  A .JPG is available.
> 73,
> Marv, W6FR

That's a great glitch resistor, Marv! It should pass the dead-short
screwdriver test with flying colors unless the buyer is with Voice of
America or White sands Proving Ground!

Phil Clements, K5PC

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