[Amps] WTB: AMP

Daniel Hileman n9wx at hotmail.com
Sun Nov 6 15:05:57 EST 2005

Hi Everyone,

I am beginning the hunt for an amp...I want something relatively big. I will 
have about $800 to spend...anyone have something in the legal limit category 
for that that's in pretty decent shape?  I'd like to find a NICE TL-922A if 
possible with mods or at least in VERY good shape. Maybe an SB-220 with 
Mods, or Henry 2K. If you have a Henry I'd prefer within 150miles of Indy 
for pick up.
If you have another Legal Limit Amp, let me know...I may have just not 
considered it. I will not be able to get it till towards Christmas, but like 
to begin looking now. Let me know what you have.

Thanks and 73,
Daniel N9WX

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