[Amps] Grounded Screen 4CX1500B

Shawn Tayler amps at xmtservices.net
Sun Nov 6 23:12:07 EST 2005

Hi Guys,

Playing with my 30S-1 has gotten me thinking about a project.  I've been
wanting an amp for 50Mhz for a while and I have 2 4CX1500B's lating around
as spares.  One would make a nice amp on 6M and I think I'd like to do the
grounded screen arrangement like the 30S-1.  

Could any of you comment on the pros and cons?  The PS arrangement seems
unusual to me with the plate supply return on the groud ie. screen and the
cathode return appearing to go through the bias and screen supplies.  I'm
sure I'm mis reading it.  IIRC the Continental 816 I maintained so years
back was of a similar arrangement, 4CX15000A.  But the plate screen and
grid supplies returned directly through the cathode with all kinds of



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