[Amps] Henry 2k Classic
Steve Katz
stevek at jmr.com
Tue Nov 8 11:56:07 EST 2005
I've had a lot of Henry console amps over the past 40 years and worked with
them in the development of the 3K Classic Mk III, which became the 3K
Premier. By "worked with them," I mean I was the one who finally talked
them into adding 160m to a standard HF amplifier, since prior to my working
with them in 1985 they had absolutely never done that before. I ordered 12
prototype amplifiers which were originally code named the 3K-160 and used
3CX1200D7s, and they finally delivered all twelve units by the end of 1986.
It was "in development" for about five months.
One thing I can say after owning and using so many Henry amps is that it's
almost impossible to say anything for certain about any particular model,
because they made *many* design and production changes over the years and
it's common for two amps having the same model number to be quite different.
Some changes were well documented, some weren't.
Good things include they're very heavy and won't blow away in the first
strong wind, and the power supplies in most models are very substantial and
push the envelope of Ep for the tubes being used; Henry often ran >3500V on
3-500Zs, for example, when most other amp makers didn't, and thus created
amps having higher gain and more output power than competitive models using
the same tubes. The 3K Classic Mk III (Premier) put 4400V on the 3CX1200D7
and the amps had an awful lot of gain...65W drive power would create illegal
output power levels.
The roller inductor models could be a bear to frequency change, especially
if you were going from say 10m to 160m. Lots of cranking, there.
-----Original Message-----
From: Joe Isabella [mailto:n3ji at yahoo.com]
Sent: Tuesday, November 08, 2005 8:52 AM
To: Daniel Hileman; amps at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [Amps] Henry 2k Classic
I got my Henry 3K-A (which is THE one to have, in my opinion unless you can
lay out the $$$ for a 5K or something) for less than $1000 and that's after
new tubes and new High Voltage Rectifiers. The 2K Classic-X is close, but
it still has the roller inductor instead of being tapped (changing bands is
a pain). The 3K-A also has an extra bandswitch position -- I'm about to add
160m to it.
Joe, N3JI
Daniel Hileman <n9wx at hotmail.com> wrote:
Hi again Everyone,
Thanks for all the input on the amps...Well, I've pretty much decided I WANT
a Henry 2K Classic Just so there's no confusion, I want a floor model Henry.
So, if anyone has one out there they'd like to part with, around Christmas
or so..let me know. Oh yeah, it needs to be within 150 miles from Indy
unless you're willing to drive part way to meet me, Thanks.
Before I make the BIG plunge on this though, I'd love to hear some users
opinions...is it all I hear it is???? I'd love to get a 3k Classic, but
probably a little outta my price range for now. So, come one come all with
the opinions. I know, it may be difficult to find a GOOD used one, since I'm
sure everyone wants to keep there's...but it's worth a try and I'm in no big
rush, so I'll look around out there. Maybe it'd be best to reply off list,
so it's not being tied up with something that's not that important.
Thanks and 73,
Daniel N9WX
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