[Amps] Alpha 89 strange behavior

IK2RZP ik2rzp at hotmail.com
Sat Nov 12 03:43:21 EST 2005

Hi from Italy!
I own an Alpha 89 amplifier and use it for my second radio (IC765) in my
SO2R set up.
Till now everything was ok. But this week the amplifier sometimes jumps in
"fault" position
even without transmitting and even without connection to the radio. More
than this, as I
can transmit when I stop to PTT with microphone or RTTY software, the 89
goes in "wait" position and restart as just turned on (after a couple of
minutes it's ready again
and red light "wait" turn off), but if I retry to tx again when I stop to
transmit it turns on red
light "wait" etc. etc.
Tubes are ok because when PTT is applied with 50-60 watts amplifier gives
about 1,5Kw.
Any suggestion?
It's hard to find Eto-Alpha labs here in southern Europe!

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