[Amps] L4 power supply problem?

Jason Buchanan jsb at digistar.com
Mon Nov 14 06:43:34 EST 2005

m.ford wrote:

>    Perhaps a shorted bleeder as the cause and now open?

I found the problem - the interlock blade on the underneath side of the 
RF deck shorted because the interlock rod seems a little short (no pun 
intended).  I had the case on the unit but the rear left side wasn't all 
the way down (about 1/8" from the screw holes).  Because this thing is 
so old and the copper interlock blade was so grimy after 40 years it 
took a little bit to get through the tarnish - but once it did it blew a 
chunk out of the copper - and also took out a filter cap or diodes or 
bleeders...  arg...

Got to find some filter caps, diodes and possibly some new bleeders.

73 Jason N1SU

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