[Amps] 220V wiring: Was Question about safety ground connection

R.Measures r at somis.org
Thu Nov 17 07:05:59 EST 2005

On Nov 17, 2005, at 1:08 AM, Peter Chadwick wrote:

> Rich said:
>> >Bonding the enclosure to the neutral wire insures that the enclosure
>> can not become a shock hazard if the safety-ground wire is severed by
>> an anomaly.<
> But an open neutral in such a case leaves the enclosure at some 
> undetermined voltage above ground. Depending on how good the neutral 
> grounding is at the service entrance, an open neutral in the feed to 
> the property can float enclosures above ground.

Are you advocating a second grounding/a.k.a. earthing/ of the neutral 
at the receptacle?

> It comes down to the probability of opening a safety ground or a 
> neutral, and if they run together, the probability is that severing 
> one severs both.

Perhaps a third safety-ground wire might be advisable?
> 73
> Peter SM/G3RZP

Richard L. Measures, AG6K, 805.386.3734.  www.somis.org

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