[Amps] Common Point Grounding

cw_de_ka0w@mchsi.com cw_de_ka0w at mchsi.com
Tue Nov 22 11:20:27 EST 2005

For $10.95 per month I will allow you to tap into my ground system here in IA.

Ken, KA0W
Mason City, IA

> k7fm wrote:
> > Grounding each service entrance through a grounding rod can create a ground 
> > loop issue.
> > 
> > As an alternative, we could adopt a common point grounding, similar to what 
> > is used in good power supply construction.  If we select some point in Iowa, 
> > for example, each home or business would then run a separate ground wire to 
> > that point in Iowa, it could eliminate some of the ground loop issues.
> And someone would get one heck of an earth mat!
> Steve
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