[Amps] SB-200 on WARC

Jan Erik Holm sm2ekm at telia.com
Wed Nov 23 12:21:02 EST 2005

The input networks are only for 10-15-20-40-80m bands.

73 Jim

Vic K2VCO wrote:
> Thomas Tanbäck wrote:
>>Is it safe to tune up a Heath SB-200 on 30-17-12 M bands, in view of the HV 
>>rf choke?
>>I assume the input bandpass filters is proper adjusted for this bands...
> Possibly not on 17 M.  But in any case you can check this with a grid 
> dip meter.  Temporarily solder a jumper across the choke and then (with 
> power off, of course) look for a resonance.  If it is within a MHz or so 
> of the frequency at which you plan to operate, you may have a problem.
> If you have an antenna analyzer you can accomplish the same thing by 
> disconnecting the plate side of the choke and (no jumper this time, 
> obviously) measuring the impedance of the choke.  Look for dips 
> indicating series resonances.

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