[Amps] G3SEK complet kit for sale

Ian White GM3SEK gm3sek at ifwtech.co.uk
Wed Nov 23 13:16:49 EST 2005

Lynn wrote:
>Complete kit -  boards, chips, caps, connectors etc.  New and
>unassembled with manual.  This is the tetrode kit.
>$185 plus postage.  Ships to U.S. and canada via USPS
>Lynn  NO9Z       ebay user  no9zil
>Email if you want a photo, but it wont be very good due to my camera.

People's plans change, and that's fine by me. Whoever buys it, the 
"lifetime" support comes with the kit, so please e-mail to let me know.

73 from Ian GM3SEK

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