[Amps] difference between 2,3,4 and 43, 45, ... materials?

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Sun Nov 27 14:11:59 EST 2005

Sorry to be late in responding -- I've been on the road. 

There's a tutorial on ferrites on my website. Select the two 
documents about RF interference. One is directed to audio, but has 
the best tutorial material. The other is the PowerPoint for a 
presentation I did to our local ham club last spring. 

Those numbers are Fair-Rite material numbers. Fair-Rite makes 
nearly all of the ferrites sold as new parts in the ham market. 


Once you've studied my tutorials, you may want to study data 
sheets for the various materials on the Fair-Rite website. They 
have an excellent pdf catalog, which you can download. Google to 
find their website. There are other good companies making ferrite 
parts, but they haven't found their way into the ham radio world 
(except as unidentified surplus parts). 


Jim Brown K9YC 

On Sat, 19 Nov 2005 11:49:55 -0800, Dan Sawyer wrote:

>The other has series numbers 43, 45, etc.

>What are these two series used for?

>What is the difference?

>Within a frequency range do they functionally similarly?

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