[Amps] 3CPX800A7 Not Available (HAROLD B MANDEL)

R.Measures r at somis.org
Tue Nov 29 19:04:38 EST 2005

On Nov 29, 2005, at 11:11 AM, Tom Hix wrote:

> Hello all;
> Can someone tell me what makes a 3CPX800A7 is so much better than a 
> plain
> 3cx800a7 tube?
> The 3cx800a7 tubes were all the amateur amps had in the way of a 
> 3cx800a7
> type tube for many many years before the 3cpx800a7 was introduced, and 
> lets
> face it, for all that time the plain 3cx800a7 tubes seemed to work just
> fine.....Now everyone seems to only want 3cpx800a7 tubes....

The "P" indicates pulse-rated version, which means it has a slightly 
longer anode-grid insulator that enables it to handle more anode 
potential when it is not conducting between pulses.

> .I have a pair
> of plain 3cx800a7 tubes I ran in an old Commander amp for 15 years, 
> and when
> I pulled them out they were only down about 5% from the new set I put
> in.....Don't sound like an inferior product to me.
> 73
> Tom
> ----- Original Message ----- > Message: 3
>> Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2005 07:20:43 -0500
>> From: HAROLD B MANDEL <ka1xo at juno.com>
>> Subject: [Amps] 3CPX800A7 Not Available
>> To: amps at contesting.com
>> Gents,
>> Was about to embark on another hotel room-machine shop
>> project here in Greenville, modifying an old Alpha 76a
>> with an outboard supply and two 3CPX800A7 triodes
>> only to find out from the source that the Eimac factory
>> has stopped all new production waiting for the new
>> California plant to open, and that the 3CPX800A7
>> will not be in their catalogue.
>> I was told that Pat Stein has 56 pieces on order
>> and that D&C has 36 on order; orders that will
>> probably not be filled.
>> Three or four sets of confirmation calls were made
>> before this posting. If any of you can offer other,
>> better information we would all benefit.
>> Hal Mandel
>> W4HBM
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Richard L. Measures, AG6K, 805.386.3734.  www.somis.org

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