[Amps] [BULK] - Re: SB200 loading problem

Steve Thompson g8gsq at ic24.net
Tue Sep 20 07:10:09 EDT 2005

John Parkins wrote:

> The anode current reads, for 500w out, 340mA so that works out to be
> around 75%. Of course all these readings have a little + or - about
> them as I have no idea how accurate the meter is.

Efficiency as high as 75% indicates heavy saturation, which ties up with 
  the high anode load resistance. You will be getting higher gain, but 
at the expense of linearity and maximum output power. I'd suggest you 
load it more heavily and drive it a bit harder. For good linearity, the 
efficiency will be more like 60%, no more than 65% at peak output.


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