[Amps] 4CX1500B

robert briggs vk3zl at bigpond.com
Wed Sep 21 18:28:53 EDT 2005

I have received several query's about the Super Cathode Drive method on my 4CX250 B amplifiers.
The amplifier's take around 100 watts of drive power for 600 watts output.
When the drive input is correctly matched the Grid ("screen" ) current is 1 to 3 Ma with the amplifier loaded.Anode voltage 2500 vdc.
Idle current for a pair of tubes is 25 to 30 Ma.
According to Orr in his note's "QST July 1967 IMD 3rd order would be -46 db 5th order 
49 db.I have no measuring equipment to confirm this.
The point I am trying to establish is whether this setup would be applicable to the 4CX1500B.
Bob VK3ZL.. 

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