[Amps] Millen dipper

k7fm k7fm at teleport.com
Fri Sep 30 19:49:25 EDT 2005

I have at least 3 Millen grid dip meters.  Both the tube and solid state 
version have a much better dial calibration than the one you ended up with. 
The third one I converted from tube to solid state and had to make a couple 
of new scales to restore accuracy.

The only problem I have had with the Millens are on the highest frequency 
range, where the contacts for the coil need regular attention.

There may be a difference in coils between the two Millen units (I never 
checked).  There is no calibration to speak of and the dial accuracy would 
be controlled by the coils inserted.

The Heathkit grid dipper is the most interesting, though, as you can talk 
into the dial and fm modulate it.  That does not work on the Millen.

73,  Colin  K7FM 

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