[Amps] Replacement Cap Mounting Board Henry 2k-Classic Console

R at contesting.com R at contesting.com
Sun Apr 2 20:22:24 EDT 2006

On Apr 2, 2006, at 4:31 PM, Rich Hallman - N7TR wrote:

> When trying to re-drill the mounting holes to install the new 8 filter
> caps I was replacing in my Henry 2K-Classic Console, I managed to
> completely destroy one of the holes.  Looks like it just fell apart.
> So here is the question....This looks like Phenolic type basalite board
> (Brown).  Anyone used something newer or recommend what I can use to
> replace the stock board with?

I use ABS sheet stock or un-clad G-10 epoxy/fibreglas board for 
mounting electrolytics.   I mount them with a few dabs of silicone 
rubber adhesive sealant on the bottom and let it cure for 24-hrs.  I 
leave 2 to 3 mm between caps for air circulation  To remove caps that 
are mounted this way, cut the Si rubber with a fish fillet knife.

> I have a drill press, so no issues
> re-drilling a new board.   Or if there are boards already built for 8
> Screw-in Caps....better yet.
> Thanks...
> Rich
> Rich N7TR
> ex KI3V, N3AMK, WB3JOV
> www.n7tr.com
> Telnet: dxc.n7tr.com N7TR DXCluster
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