[Amps] The ongoing 4CX250B verbage!

R at contesting.com R at contesting.com
Tue Apr 4 07:52:19 EDT 2006

On Apr 3, 2006, at 7:00 PM, <exray at bellsouth.net> wrote:

> 4CX250B tubes will reliably run 500W out for a pair( observe the 
> AN/URC-32 or its commercial cousin the KWT-6). If you must have more 
> try three, as I recall, (AN/ARC-58 or TRC-75). This was 1 KW output 
> autotune on the back of a jeep.
> These military radios had to operate under rather stringent (read 
> horrible) conditions. And guess what....these " relics " did just 
> fine!

The military typically used 4cx250Rs because they were Ruggedized and 
they could withstand mechanical shock better than the plain vanilla B 
> Yes there are better tubes available today...but the old 4CX250 family 
> is the granddaddy of all of them. If you come across a pair, and they 
> should be inexpensive,  there are many good designs which have been 
> published thru the years.
> Frankly, I doubt you could tell the difference between 3 4CX250Bs and 
> an 8877

3db is about it.

> except for the rattle of the change still in the pocket of the guy 
> with the 4CX250B rig! He can then spend money on an antenna and feed 
> line where it really counts!

As I see it, a db is a db, whether one gets it in the antenna or in the 
amplifier.   Also, at some point, excepting moonbounce, more 
directivity in the antenna and/or a lower angle of radiation is 
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