[Amps] *** SPAM *** Re: Hotswitching

Peter Chadwick g3rzp at g3rzp.wanadoo.co.uk
Sun Apr 9 02:51:22 EDT 2006

Rich said:
>Motor vehicles are beginning to go to higher battery potentials to save on Cu expense and 
on vehicle weight,<

Do you remember 6 volt electrical systems in cars?
Kilovac at one time in their publicity had a whole load of stuff about the vacuum conactors used to switch th 270 volt DC bus used on the F22. The elctrical requirements there must be pretty big - sobering thought, at the outbreak of WW2, the standard power source for RAF medium and heavy bombers was an engine driven generator giving 500 watts at 24 volts. They soon found this inadequate.

Diodes speed for protecting the VMOS - I don't know. 1N4008 wouldn't do it, 1N4148 was fast enough but couldn't handle much power. I suspect some of the fast diodes around these days would do.

Peter G3RZP

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