[Amps] Chimney Dimension

Harry Williams willisw200 at msn.com
Mon Apr 10 23:14:42 EDT 2006

Thanks for the info Kevin, I think I have several Coleman lanterns so I will look into that.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Kevin Adam<mailto:n9iww at verizon.net> 
  To: willisw200 at msn.com<mailto:willisw200 at msn.com> 
  Sent: Monday, April 10, 2006 9:27 PM
  Subject: Re[2]: [Amps] Chimney Dimension

  I appologise The one  I have is for yc156 tube not 4-1000 but if you go and get a colmen lantern glass they work just fine if you don't have one of go to the deli and get those 1 gallon jars for pickles they work if you cut the top and bottom off  i know of a freind that have made many of them from pickle jars there usely cheap or free.

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  On 4/10/2006 at 9:04 PM Harry Williams wrote:

  > I need to know the the approx OD at its widest point. I am trying to
  >determine the placement of the socket. I do not have a chimney yet but
  >want to locate the tube towards the front side of the chassis but need to
  >leave enough room for the chimney so I am not to close the the edge.

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