[Amps] Cal Lab

Barrie Smith barrie at centric.net
Sun Apr 23 21:59:17 EDT 2006

> When I see home built amplifiers, one of my pet peeves is seeing a nice 
> amp
> with 4 or 5 different types of meters.  I have a supply of old 50 ua
> radiation meters and I make new scales and shunts to use them as 
> voltmeters,
> ammeters and power meters.  We do not just go out and buy factory meters.
> Therefore, we need to know how to make shunts, meter faces

That's the fun thing about Photoshop!  I can take a meter face, scan it into 
Photoshop, and make a face of any color and any scale.
> Was my cat joke objectionable?

Was that a joke?
> Colin   K7FM
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