[Amps] New Elecraft Amps

Vic K2VCO vic at rakefet.com
Tue Apr 25 18:50:14 EDT 2006

Ed Swynar wrote:
> HA...!!!
> ...And to think that my compadres said that I was MAD for homebrewing a
> linear around a pair of surplus 813's...!
> I feel both vindicated and exonerated...looks like the price of being an
> appliance operator has risen dramatically, Hi Hi...

I know how you feel, but when you figure out how to make a full QSK, 
automatic bandswitching and tuning amplifier for 160-6 meters out of 
surplus 813s -- even though it won't weigh 36 pounds -- let me know.
Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA

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