[Amps] Amps at Visalia

Steve Thompson g8gsq at eltac.co.uk
Wed Apr 26 02:33:38 EDT 2006

N7KA at comcast.net wrote:
> The Elecraft amps looked nice.
> But consider the ALPHA 99B at $4250.  Same pair of 4CX800 as the 91B but made in Colorado.  91B was if I remember $2400 or less.
> Everything going up so the Elecraft prices not a big surprise.  Compare with other solid state amps, like the PW-1 and the QUADRA.  I would pick the Elecraft.
> We are losing amp builders folks, and its the lack of new hams that is contributing to it.  If our old amps work and tubes are available most do NOT replace amps as fast as radios.  My amp is about 25yrs old, still works great,so why replace it (I have a spare set of tubes for it).

My guess is that the all singing/dancing solid state amps also appeal to 
the professional/semi mil markets in a way that tube amps won't. That 
would hold the price up rather than getting it pushed down to try and 
appeal to miserly hams. I've looked at my business making amps like 
this, and I get a similar selling price - that's the reality of doing 
low volume with commercial overheads in a high wage economy.

> Amps vs gas prices.  Saw $3.69/gal in CA.
Luxury! $6.23 down the road from me (and I've allowed for the undersize 
US gallon).


> Arne N7KA 
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