[Amps] Amp Faceplates

Will Matney craxd1 at verizon.net
Thu Apr 27 22:17:57 EDT 2006

All, a few weeks back when we was discussing faceplates for amps, I mentioned an overlay plastic with a grainy texture that you mount your artwork behind it. Below is a link to a photo of a Keithly RF Generator which uses this method, and it is a good closeup so you can see what they do. They actually print the artwork on paper card stock or on a thin plastic that will accept either laser or ink jet printing. That is applied to the back of this clear material with a grainy surface. The back of the artwork is applied to the chassis. I have a friend here doing this using peper and this clear plastic material. He even uses it for flat push buttons and it works fine. Some other companies are doing this too. His work is being sold commercially also.





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