[Amps] Grid Vs cathode drive

Bill Turner dezrat at copper.net
Thu Aug 3 12:33:52 EDT 2006


On Thu,  3 Aug 2006 18:20:53 +0200 (CEST), you wrote:

>I don't know about that, since before the FCC ruling, there were plenty of rigs with a pair of 6146s (of various varieties) around.

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Interesting that this should come up. I have often thought that if the
FCC rule did not exist, there would be "exciters" with about five
watts output and all amplifiers would use that five watts to produce
the required output, be it 100 watts or 1500 or something in between.

How much more logical that would be. People who want to run QRP would
not have to pay for higher power and people who want higher power
would only pay for as much as they want. 

Yes, I know QRP rigs are available now, but their desirability is
limited because there are no high power amps which can use only five
watts drive for full output. Thanks, FCC.

Peter, what is the situation in the UK?

Just some idle thoughts.

Bill, W6WRT

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