[Amps] GS-35B on 6 meters

Gudguyham at aol.com Gudguyham at aol.com
Fri Aug 4 14:25:41 EDT 2006

In a message dated 8/4/2006 1:08:35 PM Eastern Daylight Time,  
larry at w7iuv.com writes:

What  kind of gain can I reasonably expect from a GS-35B on 6 meters at 
anode  voltages less then 4 KV? The info I have found on the web is 
sketchy and  inconsistant. Most builders seem to avoid the issue of gain. 
I have a  number of options for the tube(s) in this amp project and am 
having a hard  time deciding which to build.

73, Larry

Larry, at anode V of about 3600V with 100 watts drive you will get a  maximum 
of about 1600 watts.  Tubes vary but that is pretty much it.   DON'T expect a 
GS-35B to do what an 8877 will with the same drive levels.   Since the GS-35B 
will take 1.2A anode Ip you can drive it with more than 100  watts and that 
1600 watts will increase, but if only 100 watts drive is  available bank on 
1600 watts appx. with EVERYTHING being tweaked to  perfection.
Good Luck 73 Lou

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