[Amps] grid resonance

Tom W8JI w8ji at w8ji.com
Sat Aug 5 13:52:07 EDT 2006

> For those interested, see
> http://www.aade.com/lcm2binst/coilcraft%20L%20measurement.pdf
> A number of inductance meters are tested in the article 
> and it seems that many of them lie, because of the method 
> used.  The article, by Coilcraft, also covers the use of 
> grid dip meters.

CoilCraft says:

"The Hewlett Packard HP4191A is emerging as the new

standard for inductance measurements of RF coils. The

HP4191A has an accuracy that can be better than 1%"

I guess I won't be trading my 4191A in for a GDO anytime 
soon, although I am puzzled why my GDO can't read grid dips 
by holding it near socket pins of transmitting tubes.

The HP4191A shows negligible difference between identical 
suppressors, one made with nichrome and the other tinned 
copper, at VHF.

73 Tom

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