[Amps] Estate sale - USed CB Gear for re-distribution
dennis12amplify at aol.com
dennis12amplify at aol.com
Tue Aug 8 10:15:26 EDT 2006
Adding my two cents worth to this discussion...
Dave, k2DP, please read this ......
> 15 Amp Variac
Since when does a variac require type acceptance? UL, CE, then maybe......, but NOT FCC.....
> Wawasee JBC-1000SM "Catalyzer" Check AM Modulation, Power and SWR ..has
> built in scope
That unit does not require type acceptance because it is not a transmitter, and is a combination wattmeter, modulation scope, and often included a frequency counter; a piece of test equipment that would be an excellent addition to any ham station...
> Wawasee JBC-1001 SFC/M (including instruction manual) ..like the JBC-1000
> but has frequency counter
See comments above....regarding the "Catalyzer".
> Wawasee Amplifier (I think it has a pair of 3-500Z tubes in it)
That amplifier was based entirely on the highly regarded Heathkit SB-220 and is an excellent source of replacement parts for one. Dick M, the Ham operator who started the business, used to purchase SB220's in bulk from Heathkit and use almost all of the parts from the SB220 kits in that amp, and then he would sell what he didn't use to guys like me, which is why I still have transformers and meters and stuff like that for them....
> Wawasee JB6000SW Power, Modulation and SWR meter
Another piece of test and measurement equipment that needs no FCC type acceptance and one I liked a lot because it had a HUGE meter in it that I could read without needing reading glasses or a magnifying glass...
> RCI-2990 Transceiver
> Galaxy 2990 (Same as RCI-2990)
Many of these units were imported without the ability to transmit, which would mean that they would be considered multiband receivers and would not require type acceptance.
The CB radio operators did not modify them, we all know who did........
No other comments regarding the imported transcievers other than the basic fact that we wouldn't be importing all our Ham gear and CB gear from overseas if the FCC would not have shut down all the old Ham radio manufacturers that were trying to get into CB radio as an alternate revenue source just to stay in business. Do the math.....50,000 hams and shrinking every day or 300,000+ CB radio operators (mostly truck drivers back then) and growing... What market do you try to build for if you want to stay in business?
The FCC, prodded along mostly by irate HAM operators, made it literally impossible for any American company to successfully compete with the overseas manufacturers.
I about cried when E.F. Johnson, Hallicrafters, Heathkit, National, Pace, Palomar, Audiovox, RCA, Royce, Motorola, B&K Cobra, Robyn, Utica, Raytheon, Hygain, Metrotek, DemCo, Elmac, Eico, Globe, Amphenol, Courier, Sonar, etc., etc., had to quit designing and manufacturing equipment here in the USA.
The end of an era of broadcast quality audio and radios that 'glowed' so you didn't need a nightlight!
How many Ham operators did that move put out of work?
I'm still trying to figure out how, back in the 70's, while the American manufacturers were waiting for the FCC to make up their minds on the frequency and channel allocations for the NEW 40 channel CB band (before they started designeing and building new equipment for that market), overseas manufacturers were already shipping them to the United States. That was the final crushing blow to the CB industry in the USA.
Can you repair your own radio if it quits working?
Can you design and build your own transciever?
I can, but there are very, very, few of us left!
We are losing our knowledge base to foreign countries and may never get it back!
> 300A Palomar Linear Amp
This amp was type accepted by the FCC and was one of the best designed and cleanest operating sweep tube amps I had ever tested.
> "500" Modulator
No information on this one, so you may be correct regarding that unit, but even then I cannopt believe someone would not want it for the parts if nothing else....
> D-104 Mic
One of the best AM microphones ever made. No FCC type acceptance required..
> D-104 Silver Eagle Mic
A higher quality version of the above...
> D-104 Mic (head only) plugs into stand
Great spare to have around if you ever knock the D-104 off your desk and shatter it's crystal mike element. (They also made ceramic elements but the crystal ones always sounded better).
> Turner +3 Mic
What ham operater has never heard of Turner? No type accpetance required.
> Ham-M Rotor (motor is on tower to be taken down)...break release switch
Same comment as above, Did you know that Hygain also made CB radios at one time?
> "200" Solid State Linear Amp
No prior knowledge so I cannot comment....but then again how can anyone else who have not yet seen it?
It may be 'type accepted' for all we know...
> 20A 12v Power Supply "Tenna Phase III"
Power supplies do not require type acceptance YET, but some of those early witchers radiated more power on 27 MHZ than some early CB transcievers did!
> EF Johnson Model 250-849 SWR Meter
A Decent meter from a respected Ham Radio manufacturer... No type acceptance required...
> Maco Model 150 Receiver Preamp
Receivers do not require type acceptance, nor do receiver preamplifiers.
> Maco Model 45 3 position Coax Switch (SO-239/UHF connectors)
Since whan does a Coax Switch require type acceptance?
> Galaxy II Model FC250 Frequency Counter
Since when does a Frequency counter require type acceptance?
> Tubes (Tubes look new in the box...except as noted)
> 2 pair of used 3-500Z tubes (marked "good")
> 1 ea 6LW6
> 1 ea 6LB6
> 6 ea 6JS6
> 15 ea 6KD6
> 5 ea 6LR6
> 2 ea EL34/6CA7
To the best of my knowledge, tubes do not require type acceptance yet, although I can see the day when Big Brother will require us to have a license license to buy tubes with 'handles' much like you need an FOID card to buy ammunition these days...
It appears to me that of the 27 items listed, your comments MAY POSSIBLY apply to 4 or 5 of them, and we are not even sure about those.
Dennis O.
-----Original Message-----
From: k2dp at charter.net
To: nf4a at knology.net; amps at contesting.com
Cc: w5gcx at sbcglobal.net
Sent: Mon, 7 Aug 2006 7:29 PM
Subject: Re: [Amps] Estate sale - USed CB Gear for re-distribution
May I make a suggestion that you find the nearest dumpster and throw this
trash in it. Wawasee, Palomar and Galaxy equipment is NOT FCC Type Accepted.
These CB Amplifiers are not Type Accepted either and are illegal to use. I'm
sure that Riley Hollingsworth could help you dispose of it properly. The FCC
has recently stopped the importation and sale (by Pilot Truck Stops) of the
Galaxy "ham " gear that is being purchased by the truckers and other illegal
users of CB type equipment. Please don't insult your Extra Class license,
which I am delighted to see that you have, by offering this stuff for sale.
Thank you for the bandwidth,
Dave, K2DP
----- Original Message -----
From: "Charles Wooten NF4A" <nf4a at knology.net>
To: <amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Sunday, August 06, 2006 12:11 PM
Subject: [Amps] Estate sale
> Estate Sale Henry Padgette
> Contact Charlie Wooten, NF4A if interested.
> RECEIVED. Pay Pal accepted.
> 15 Amp Variac
> Wawasee JBC-1000SM "Catalyzer" Check AM Modulation, Power and SWR ..has
> built in scope
> Wawasee JBC-1001 SFC/M (including instruction manual) ..like the JBC-1000
> but has frequency counter
> Wawasee Amplifier (I think it has a pair of 3-500Z tubes in it)
> Wawasee JB6000SW Power, Modulation and SWR meter
> RCI-2990 Transceiver
> Galaxy 2990 (Same as RCI-2990)
> 300A Palomar Linear Amp
> "500" Modulator
> D-104 Mic
> D-104 Silver Eagle Mic
> D-104 Mic (head only) plugs into stand
> Turner +3 Mic
> Ham-M Rotor (motor is on tower to be taken down)...break release switch
> handle broken
> "200" Solid State Linear Amp
> 20A 12v Power Supply "Tenna Phase III"
> EF Johnson Model 250-849 SWR Meter
> Maco Model 150 Receiver Preamp
> Maco Model 45 3 position Coax Switch (SO-239/UHF connectors)
> Galaxy II Model FC250 Frequency Counter
> Tubes (Tubes look new in the box...except as noted)
> 2 pair of used 3-500Z tubes (marked "good")
> 1 ea 6LW6
> 1 ea 6LB6
> 6 ea 6JS6
> 15 ea 6KD6
> 5 ea 6LR6
> 2 ea EL34/6CA7
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