[Amps] Tuned Input - IMD and efficiency

Phil Clements philc at texascellnet.com
Tue Aug 8 18:46:23 EDT 2006

> As an aside, adding some capacitance with low inductance leads from
> cathode to grid won't only help linearity/efficiency, it might improve
> vhf stability too.
> Steve

A trick my Elmer showed me many years ago on a 4-1000A was to put a 25pf cap
in series with a 10 ohm resistor from each filament pin to chassis ground
using short leads. This really tames this savage beast, and is really
effective when running >5 kv on the anode. We are talking grounded grid
here, with the grid and screen strapped to chassis ground. This really
settles things down on a 4X1.

Phil Clements, K5PC

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