[Amps] Anodizing aluminum, painting etc.

Steve Thompson g8gsq at eltac.co.uk
Mon Aug 14 13:38:48 EDT 2006

Bill Turner wrote:
> On Mon, 14 Aug 2006 01:02:35 EDT, a "knowledgeable person" wrote:
>>Heat dissipation has nothing to do with mass. 
> ------------ REPLY SEPARATOR ------------
> Really? So why do heat sinks come in different sizes? Might as well
> use the smallest one possible, right? Carried to the extreme, why use
> a heat sink at all? Mass = zero should work fine.
It's surface area that dominates transferring the heat to the 
surrounding air. Mass plays a part in that you need enough material to 
effectively carry heat to the extremities. Mass also affect how fast a 
heatsink heats up.


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