[Amps] HV transformers I want to series primaryandparallelsecondary

Tom W8JI w8ji at w8ji.com
Sat Aug 19 05:20:41 EDT 2006

My example was wrong,.

> has a little more voltage at the same current, but not 
> much.
> We've added about 2.5 watts maximum  heat to each
> transformer that would normally be dissipating about 5 
> watts
> at full load.

That should have been "added about 1.25 watts maxmum heat to 
each transformer", not 2.5 watts.

> You can see in this case the error between transformers,
> even in the case of very stiff transformers, has to be
> pretty large to add significant heat. In this case a ~5%
> open circuit voltage error produced an additional 50% 
> heat.

That should have been about  25% more heat added from a 5% 
voltage error in this example.

73 Tom 

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