[Amps] State of the Amp

Peter Voelpel df3kv at t-online.de
Tue Aug 22 12:50:13 EDT 2006

Never, especially not with the same drive at 4KV.

When >2500W are claimed on that website, I claim 1000W for a 3-500Z or
similar tube.
Tony is using factory data when comparing the 8877 with the GS-35b while
using amateur data (>ICAS) with the GS-35b ;-)
The 8877 does the same power as the GS-35b with less drive.
My QB5/1750 do 2.0KW/24hrs. easily and have a factory rated dissipation of


-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Turner [mailto:dezrat at copper.net] 

The website http://gs35b.com/gs35bvs8877.html
lists it at >2500 watts. The chart near the bottom shows power output 
expected for 2667 watts anode dissipation.

I don't pretend to know which is correct since I will never get that 
close with my amp anyway.

Even if it is only 1500 watts, that still beats a trio of 3-500Zs by 
a wide margin.

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