[Amps] Stolen Radio

Dino Darling dino at k6rix.com
Tue Aug 22 21:02:19 EDT 2006

I understand that this is not desired here and will make this one
statement and it will be the last you hear from me, but Mike opened
this door and it left too many questions.  With this new evidence, it
appears the story is a little different then it originally appeared...

It looks like Mike won this item on June 11th, received it DOA, returned
it, and hasn't received a refund or e-mail from the seller.  Quite
frankly, this is between them.  Possession is 9/10 and Mike willingly
sent it back to the seller with or without permission.  The seller does
owe Mike a refund, but I don't believe this item was "stolen".

Old Auction...
Auction # = 9738896135

Seller = anainstr

Buyer = mikewaveradio

Negative Feedback from Mike = shipped from wrong bidder DOA-returned-no
radio-no refund-no answer

Feedback Date = Aug-12-06 07:16

The seller re-listed it as 220019921045

Dino  -  K6RIX
dino at k6rix.com

> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: [Amps] Stolen Radio
> From: "m.ford" <k1ern at pioneerwireless.net>
> Date: Tue, August 22, 2006 11:33 am
> To: <amps at contesting.com>
> Item # 220019921045 is stolen property. I am the lawful owner.
> Sorry for the interruption
> Mike  k1ern
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