[Amps] panasonic inverter TSPA

John T. M. Lyles jtml at lanl.gov
Wed Aug 23 19:24:23 EDT 2006

VK3HZ posted some very interesting info in his report on the 
'teardown' of a Panasonic inverter power supply. Cooking magnetrons 
don't like constant voltage power supplies, or regulated voltage, and 
some industrial systems use Current regulation. 100 or 120 Hz ripple 
doesn't mind, as a matter of fact, it is somewhat desirable as it 
causes some frequency and mode variation, so i was told.

Beside the fact that testing anything on the primary side of the 
output transformer means working with a hot chassis, it looks to be a 
really inexpensive way to make HV for the ovens. That translates to 
lower cost and less weight, lower cost shipping, etc.


>For some time now, I've been investigating the use of a high voltage
>inverter power supply from a Panasonic microwave oven for powering a
>compact, light-weight linear amplifier.
>The results so far can be found here:
>I welcome any advice on further progress with this.

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