[Amps] Inverter Microwave HV Supply

David Smith vk3hz at wia.org.au
Thu Aug 24 01:17:07 EDT 2006

Hi Will,

There's little doubt that the input and output filtering is light-on.

However, it's not a lack of regulation that's the problem - it's that 
the PSU controller regulates for constant POWER output (and does a good 
job of that I might add).  So, no matter how stiff the input (or output) 
filtering is, the PSU controller will still not give the desired 
constant voltage ouput.


Will Matney wrote:
> David,
> The way to stiffen it up (improve regulation) is to increase the
> filter capacitor size. However, this will increase the rms current
> needed coming into the switching supply (charging current increases),
> and the inductor or switching device (transistor, FET, etc) may not
> handle it. I'm not sure what they use, a transformer or a choke, but
> it would increase the current through both by increasing the
> capacitance. Another thing that would affect it is the size of the
> inductor itself. The heavier it is, the better the regulation will
> be. In other words, the higher the output current rating, the better
> it will be. My guess is that the rms current would be around 1.8 to 2
> times the DC current (load current) to operate the way you want it to
> (good regulation).
> Best,
> Will

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